You Have the Right to:

  1. Obtain relevant, accurate, current and understandable information from your Pharmacist concerning your treatment and/or drug therapy.
  2. Discuss your specific drug therapy, the possible adverse side effects and drug interactions, and to receive effective counseling and education from your Pharmacist.
  3. Expect that all prescribed medications you receive are accurately dosed, effective and in useable condition.
  4. Choose the pharmacist and pharmacy provider where your prescriptions are filled and to not be pressured or coerced into transferring your prescriptions to another pharmacy or mail order service.
  5. Confidentiality and privacy of all your patient counseling information contained in your patient record and all you’re Protected Health Information, as described in Absolute Wellness Pharmacy Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP).
  6. Receive appropriate care without discrimination in accordance with physician orders
  7. Be advised if a medication has been recalled at the consumer level.
  8. Choose a healthcare provider.
  9. Receive information about the scope of care/services that are provided by Absolute Wellness Pharmacy directly or through contractual arrangements, as well as any limitations to Absolute Wellness Pharmacy care/service capabilities.